About Me

Gladys Ogoti

Welcome. So glad you are here! My name is Gladys Ogoti.

As a child, I watched my mother who had no formal education struggle to help women of childbearing age during labor. She was a self-taught traditional birth attendant. At that young age, I decided that I wanted to become a midwife. Therefore, when I graduated from high school, I joined nursing school and became a community health nurse. For seventeen years, I served rural communities in Kenya and helped hundreds of women to have a safe pregnancy and delivery of their babies. I delivered hundreds of babies.

In 2010, I decided to explore other options and was lucky to relocate to the United States. After passing the nursing board exam, I worked in long term care facility and loved working with seniors. They have a lot of wisdom. However, I noted that many of them live with chronic conditions and do not enjoy their retirement years. I wanted more for my residents. But unfortunately, there was not much I could do. After 8 years of serving in long term care, I decided to enter critical care nursing. This has been a game changer in my life. Seeing so many people sick with preventable diseases got me thinking that there must be something I could do to help. I know there is a lot we can do. Although as a nurse it is my responsibility to educate, I decided to become a certified health coach so I can help educate more people who may not necessarily be in the hospital.

Knowing that 75-80 % of health conditions are preventable, I am on a mission to educate, empower, inspire, motivate, encourage, and partner with patients, individuals, families, and communities to prevent disease and promote wellness. My goal is to support your wellness journey through my C.L.E.A.N.E.R living principles. I believe that the Choices that we make, how we live (Lifestyle), how we move (Exercise), how we think (Attitude), how we eat (Nutrition), where we live (Environment), and who we love (Relationships), affects our overall wellness. My goal is to help you to take the keys, sit in the driver’s seat, and drive your life to a healthier, happier you. I will support you to move from where you are to where you want to be.

So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1Corinthians 10:31

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth John: 2

it’s all about

Choices Lifestyle Exercise Attitude Nutrition Environment Relationships 

I became a nurse to help combat infectious diseases and help reduce maternal, perinatal, and neonatal deaths in rural villages in Kenya. For 17 years I established clinics and maternity units, which have now become mid-level hospitals. In 1997, my father was diagnosed with diabetes type and later on developed heart disease. Not many years later, my mother was also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and soon acquired all the complications of uncontrolled blood glucose. They both died from complications related to insulin resistance. My father died from a heart attack, and my mother had a stroke, which rendered her bedridden for three years.

This made me rethink my lifestyle. I changed my diet, not just for myself, but for my husband and children. In 2010, we relocated to the USA. I currently work in a hospital in the specialty of patients admitted with advanced heart failure. I shifted my focus from infectious diseases to preventing lifestyle-related conditions significantly. Although I have a strong family history that gravitates towards disease, I am grateful that I am still healthy with no chronic illness. I want to help more people, so I decided to get a certification as a health coach.

Just watching how you live and eat has changed my life. I started eating more plant-based foods and stopped eating refined sugars and soda. I started walking every morning. I want to let you know that I have lost 24 pounds, and my hemoglobin A1C has dropped 10 points.
